
श्री काशी विश्वनाथ आरती

Aarti is also known as "Aaratrik" or "Aarartik" and "Nirajan" also. Aarti is done at the end of Pooja. Aarti completes the mistakes if remained during Pooja

Mantraheena Kriyaheena Yat Kritam Poojanam Harey: |
Sarva sampoornatameti Kritey Nirajaney Shivey: ||

Mangala Aarti Bhog Aarti Sandhya Aarti Shringar Aarti Shayan Aarti
3.00-4.00 (morning) 11.15 to 12.20 (day) 7.00 to 8.15 (evening) 9.00 to 10.15(night) 10.30-11.00 (night)
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